Who We Are

Umbrella of Rwandan Civil Society Organizations aiming at the advancement of women's status, peace, and development.

Since 1992; Pro-Femmes/Twese Hamwe dedicated to women’s empowerment, gender equality, peacebuilding, and development in Rwanda. By today, the umbrella has grown to 51 member organizations from across the country.

For the past over 30 years, PF/TH has served as a model for creating a peaceful and stable Rwandan society free of all types of gender discrimination and defined by gender equality and equity, as part of a larger process toward sustainable development.

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Organizational Development & CSO’s Capacity Strengthening

Strengthening the capacity of Women’s Rights and GEWE Organizations so that they contribute to more Legitimate, Transparent, and Accountable (LTA) policy making and implementation of value-based results-oriented developmental programs.

Women’s Empowerment

PFTH is Improving the status of women socially, economically, and politically to realize their Full Potential through having equitable access and control over productive resources, opportunities, and rights.


Gender Equality & Social Inclusion

Promotion of Gender Equality through addressing harmful social and cultural norms in the economic, social, and political spheres to reduce gender inequality and violence against girls and women.

Heath promotion

PRO-FEMMES TWESE HAMWE strives for improved health of its program participants including the prevention of HIV new infections, prevention of Malaria, promotion of sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR), counseling, and psychosocial support for women (e.g. who have been mostly affected by Covid-19, Covid-19 prevention measures, SGVB, etc.), legal aid clinic, among others.


Our Cross Cutting Areas

Member Organizations

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Lives impacted

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Women Cooperatives created & Supported

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Cost-sharing funds to Cooperatives/Saving groups

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