Precious Journey With Pro-Femmes”
Many of today’s successful women leaders have participated in a mentorship program that helped to empower them. These women are also often willing to mentor other women willing to become leaders as well. Mentoring gives women and girls the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and grow their network. It also gives an example of the possibilities that are out there for them.
Many years ago, PFTH has been implementing “Women Can Do It Program (WCDI)” which contributed in increasing the number of women participation in decision making structures and processes at all levels (central and decentralised levels) in Rwanda.
The current situation analysis report of Women Can do it Program in the last year (2019) confirmed that WCDI programme has contributed to an increased women representation in high elective and appointment positions, both at central and decentralised levels. The programme has also improved leadership skills, self-confidence and men’s perception on the role of women in leadership positions. Automatic word wrap
Despite the efforts so far made in women leadership, women and girls still have barriers to undertake leadership positions which include women economic dependence, limited formal education to women and girls, women unpaid care work, weak support from men and husbands, low mentorship to women and girls to inspire them in leadership among other challenges.
In collaboration with local authorities, PFTH selects mentees from local women and girls’ structures and mentors from different institutions at district level based on the elaborated criteria. After selection, Mentors are trained on leadership mentorship guide and thereafter matched with their respective mentees.
As per the process, mentors facilitate their mentees to make capacity needs assessment and related leadership development plans which streamline the whole mentorship process that involves formal and informal sessions. This program holds monitoring and evaluation plan to facilitate its implementation.
Leadership mentorship program targets women and girls in decision-making processes at different levels and equip them with leadership knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effectively exercise their voice and meaningfully participate in decision-making processes.